We Bought a Zoo...



The power of animal therapy has been transformational in our family.  By the way we didn’t really buy a zoo, but we do have a lot of animals…  Coleen often tells people that she’s an animal lover married to an animal hater.  Well, that isn’t really true - I don’t “hate” animals but I’m definitely not a fan of animals in the house. But, I lost that battle long ago.  I feel like that [rick] was eons ago and now I truly see the power that animals have in bringing families together, and healing past hurts.
We currently have… 40 laying hens, 3 texas longhorns, 2 Jersey milk cows, 6 peacocks (an anniversary gift from Madison… thanks!), 2 rabbits, 6 barn cats (oops -4 heard we just gave 4 kittens away), a chameleon, a miniature pony, 2 horses, 4 dogs, 5 turkeys and a Macaw in a tree…(funny story about that below)
A fun side story - Madison has a macaw and it was perched in a tree just outside the front door.  The UPS driver couldn’t see me but I was just inside the barn and as he approached the door the bird said “Hello!” The UPS driver looked all around and took a closer look at the bird perched in the tree. Then he asked the bird “Did you just talk… hello…”?  The next day he saw me and Margarita (the macaw) outside and he asked “Does that bird… does it talk”  I calmed his nerves and confirmed that Margarita does talk and quite often!
Well, I won’t give away too much more… Enjoy the episode and tune in next onHow To Get Your Kids To Enjoy Work ~ A 7 Part Series
(Disclaimer about Holtz content ~ We’re Crazy!) 
[krey-zee] adj. - Informal. unpredictable, nonconforming, or odd:
Okay, if you are new to Holtz our family is definitely…nonconforming.  Coleen and I are PASSIONATE about each other (childhood sweethearts & best friends), raising kids (we have 11 and we aren’t done yet), doing business as a family, & unintentionally challenging others to think differently…

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