Just Released: The New Switch Case! Now available for iPhone 16 models

We’ve Expanded! Take a look at our new Leather Shop

We are so excited to announce that we expanded into a new shop, at the beginning of June!  This 7,300 square foot shop offers us some much needed space to spread out and grow. Our leather production has previously been cramped in around 2,500 square feet, of our original 6,600 square foot shop. Due to the limited space, some machinery, like our leather clicker, as well as leather stock, was still being stored in Rick and Coleen’s basement, where it all began.

The new shop will now house our leather clickers and our leather hides. In addition, we have space to set up our trade show booth and create a photography area. Production currently remains in our original shop, but may move later this year along with our Creative Department.

There are a lot of new and exciting changes in store for Holtz Leather, so stay tuned! And in the meantime enjoy these pictures from moving day!

Moving Day to new shop

Moving is always a lot of hard work, especially in the Alabama heat. It is impossible to be all work though with the Holtz family. They know how to make even leather scraps into a fun game.




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